Saturday, July 20, 2019

Std XI th 1969 -70

31.08.1987 to 31.03.2010 all Government Services of Jagadish Chandran C

50 years of great achievement Man on the Moon. Neil Armstrong, Edwin Aldrai


Meenu K during the Examinatin for + 2 in the Medical College, High School, Thiruvananthapuram.

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, sitting

On the day of admission to B.A. Political Science 2019 - 22 Univsersity College, Palayam, Thiruvananthapuram.


Meenu K Daughter of Jagadishchandran C


Jagadiendran J S/o Jagadilshchandran, C


What My Dad did Right.

Saturday, June 15, 2019 Posted by c jagadish chandran at 6/15/2019 03:39:00 AM     Reactions: funny (0) interesting (0) cool (0) What My Dad did Right Posted: 15 Jun 2019 01:03 AM PDT During my teen years, I tended to focus on what I thought my dad did wrong. Now that I have raised my own family and have grandchildren and great-grandchildren, I find myself reflecting more and more on what my dad did right, and how his Godly life style has been passed on to the fourth generation. I thank the Lord for my dad! The following are some of things my dad did right! He raised us to fear God and follow Him. He loved his family and prayed for us. He was faithful to my mother throughout her life. He enjoyed life. He liked to play good-natured jokes on people. He worked very hard to provide for the family. We had a large family and so besides running the dairy farm, he worked at another job to make ends meet. He taught his children how to work hard. He demonstrated hospitality. Even though our family had seven children and lived in a small house, we often had some of his nephews living with us. There was always room for one more. He was very generous and gave a lot of money to the Lord. Near the end of his life, he worked at a thrift store and gave away a lot of furniture to people who couldn’t afford to buy. He provided transportation for seniors who needed to go to the doctor. He also visited the sick, almost right up to the day he went for surgery and died. There are many more good things I remember about my dad, but today I just want to say: Thank You Lord, for giving us Godly fathers who do their best to raise their family in the knowledge and fear of the Lord. Lord bless them and encourage them to keep on doing what is right.

Young Mathematicians of Christian College, Marthandam

B.Sc. Mathematics 1972 - 75

About Meenu K dt 20th July 2019

After retired from the Government Service as HIGH SCHOOL TEACHER MATHEMATICS, I Iookafter my girl child who is suffering from Hydrocephalus-V.P Shunt done at the age of 10 month. She was mainly affected by C.P. cerebral palsy. Thus motor ability is fully arrested. Her Rt whole side is weaker than the Lt side. Seizure disorder is under control, doubtful vision, spastic limbs hinder a lot to do her routine work smoothly. Even after the whole hindrances she appeared for +2 examination with the help of a school allotted scribe. Awaiting for the Result March 2019 Boards Exam in Humanities Group. Result was published on 08/05/2019 got the 70.25 % of marks. A+ Malayalam, B+ Geography, C+ English B - History, B - Economics, B - Political Science.
Meenu got admisssion for U G Course B.A. Political Science 2019 -22 in the University College, Palayam, Thiruvananthapuram on 20th June, 2019.  Also classes started wef 24th June, 2019.