C. Jagadish Chandran, B.Sc.,(Mathematics) 1975.,M.A.(Sociology) 1990., M.Ed.(Maths and Educational Technology) 1985., Passed Preliminary Qualifying Examination for Ph.D in Education 1993 of Calicut University. The title of the Thesis is "A study of the cognitive outcomes in Mathematics of 9th Standard Students in relation to some Selected Affective and Social Variables".
Worked as Mathematics Teacher in Government services for the last 23 years along with 9 years of private Mathematics Teaching learning process. (D.O.R. 31/03/2010). Victim Family of Endosulfan Insecticide. My Wife G.C. Kumari Meena (D.O.B. 01/05/1965) (1965-2006) died due to Carcinoma in Gall Bladder (Metastatic adeno-carcinoma) on 04/04/2006.
Among the two children of us, the younger one named K. MENU (17) is ill bedded due to HYDROCEPHALUS. At the age of 11th month done a brain surgery ie. V.P. Shunt done on 19th Nov.,1996. Now Medically states as Congenital Hydrocephalus/Post V.P. Shunt/Cerebral Palsy/Doubtful Vision/Mental Retardation/Seizure Disorder/Static Epilepticus. Standing Disability Assessment Board found that she is having Mental Retardation IQ 23 and having permanent disability is 87%. The whole right sides are impaired. She could not do anything by herself without anybody's help. Feeding, drinking, toileting, standing, sitting,etc.are going with the help of her father till this day.
By Almighty's grace we are all surving without G.C. Kumari Meena (Betterhalf) for the last seven years. We successfully completed the seventh year on 04/04/2013. From the fifth April we are starting the eighth year.
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