Saturday, October 8, 2011

CSR Mega Bumper August 1997 Isssue. Fortune Favours The Brave.

Fortune Favours The Brave
Be bold, remain brave and reveal courage and guts.  Be energetic and enthusiastic.  Display courage and confidence.  Prove enterprising.  Seek opportunities and accept responsibilities.  Select a challenging and worthy goal and keep your attention concentrated on that single objective.  Have faith, repose confidence and begin the work, here and now.  Chart your route, mobilize your resources, get going and keep going.  Be resolute and do not stop, come what may, till the goal is reached.  Be certain that each day you cover some ground, advance some distance and make some progress.  Never mind if your progress is slow, but ensure it remains steady.  You are bound to face obstacles en route to success, but with courage and perseverance, you can master them.

To win, you have to be optimistic.  To attract others, you have to be cheerful and enthusiastic.  To succeed, you need cooperation and acceptance.  Optimism keeps your hopes alive.  It makes you think positively.  Sooner or later, the man who wins is the man who thinks he can.  If you are willing and keen, if you display courage and dash, and if you also show patience and perseverance, you will invariably win.

To win in the competitive world you must acquire knowledge and personality.  If you have the pluck, you can invariably attract luck.  It is true that there is no such thing as chance.  With your will, ideas and ability, you can create the chances, circumstances and favourable environment.  Everything, therefore, depends on your own self and on your positive mental attitude. Great minds have purposes, whereas others have simply wishes.  Little minds are tamed and subdued by seeming setbacks, but great minds rise above them and fight their way to victory.  Always and ever, be a fighter and never a quitter.  If you sigh about your trouble, it will only grow double.  When you laugh about your trouble, you will find it to be a mere bubble, swiftly blown away.  To gather the fruit, to register victory to score success, you require unwavering faith.  Faith is a miracle worker.  It looks beyond all boundaries, transcends all limitations, conquers all obstacles and carries you to your goal.  Therefore, have faith, take courage and march ahead, onward, upward till you attain the goal.

It is this unwavering faith and self-confidence that has made Martina Hingis the youngest Wimbledom champion of this century.  The stuff that makes the likes of Hingis is very much latent in all of us, but the hidden power can come forth in full vigour only if we cultivate faith in ourselves and persevere day and night to attain the goal we set for ourselves.

Leading you to the world of success.

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